Thursday, January 28, 2010

MANSION OF THE MIND - A Directory to Mason Garrett - Writings & Arts

A collection of articles, art, and stories …from various rooms in the mansion of my madcap brain …do come in, dear reader …stay awhile …browse …enjoy…

Main floor - parlor readings of mundane astrology events and predictions, horary mundane charts for sporting events, archives, links to professional services.

Library - Astrology lessons, lectures, charts & articles of famous individuals past and present, historical mundane events, reference books, personal reviews, recommendations …and in the future possible celebrity client guest interviews.

Upstairs Studio… and secret Attic room… lofty ideas and philosophic rants …esoteric studies, exploration of the mystic side …inspired drawings and written wanderings …into the depths …exploring one’s psyche and inner cosmos…

…and the Basement, sub conscious issues, sex and public scandals… and sex astrology chart services, compatibility charts with significant others, individual analysis …all manner of personal email astrology counseling.

For personal counseling details, email;’re welcome throughout the mansion …go get some munchies and refreshment …smoke if you like …and be with us in cyber space, dear reader. Click the URLs to the various rooms, enjoy... click return arrow on your browser to return here to the main hall... There's something going on here 24/7... stay awhile …browse …enjoy…

[Photo Source: personal Photoshop creation from a photo of Pat Galbrieth, the ‘Hatley Castle,' and a Mason Garrett portrait photo, and a NASA photo]